NHS Health Checks

Non-urgent advice: NHS Health Checks have resumed

After being paused due to the COVID-19 pandemic, NHS Health Checks have now resumed at Lancaster Medical Practice. Get in touch if you think you are due yours.

Everyone aged 40 – 74 will be invited for an NHS Health Check every 5 years, unless you have had a stroke, or have certain pre-existing health conditions (as you will already be having regular check-ups). This is an important appointment that helps pick up the early signs of various conditions including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease and dementia. It’s really important that you attend these appointments to lower your risk of serious illness.

Book your appointment by ringing the practice on 01524 551551, or contact us online using Patchs.

What happens at the NHS Health Check?

During the health check, you will be asked questions about your lifestyle and family history, your height and weight will be measured, your blood pressure will be taken and a blood test will be done. The blood test will be done either before the check with a blood sample from your arm, or at the check.

Your blood test results can show your chances of getting heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and diabetes.

If you’re over 65, you will also be told the signs and symptoms of dementia to look out for.

You will then receive personalised advice to improve your risk. This could include talking about:

Page last reviewed: November 7th, 2023
Next review due: August 19th, 2023