While most health issues affecting Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer and Questioning (LGBTQ+) people are similar to those of the general population, we know that LGBTQ+ people have unique health needs and experience disparities in care.
At Lancaster Medical Practice we welcome LGBTQ+ individuals and strive to provide a safe, supportive and caring environment for them. We believe in fairness and equality, and value diversity in our staff and our patients. We are constantly seeking ways to improve our Practice, and we would like to ask all our patients who identify as LGBTQ+ to let us know how we can continue to improve our service to you.
Useful Resources
NHS population screening: information for trans and non-binary people
Information about the adult NHS screening programmes that are available in England, and who is invited for breast, bowel, cervical and AAA screening.
Help for mental health problems if you’re LGBTQ+ – NHS
Information about organisations and services available for LGBTQ+ people needing mental health support.

Page last reviewed: February 3rd, 2025
Next review due: January 5th, 2026