Changes to our text messaging service
On Tuesday 20 December, we changed our text messaging service provider and text messages that we send patients now look different.
Text messages are one of a number of ways that we communicate with patients. We send text messages to patients for a range of purposes including to confirm appointment details, recall patients for screening and to provide patient information such as test results (if the patient opts in).
Text messages sent from the Practice will now arrive with a link to follow in order to read the message.
Patients that receive a message like either in the below image should be reassured that the message is from a member of our team and it is safe to follow the link.

We aim to provide choice to our patients regarding how we communicate with them. Text messaging is just one of a number of ways that we contact patients and patients are encouraged to contact us in a way that best suits their needs. This can be via telephone, walk in to any of our surgeries or online.
We are always looking to make improvements and there will be further developments to patient contact during the new year.
Should patients have any doubts about the source of a text message from the Practice, please contact us.